Handling Large & Repeat Powder Coating Orders Effectively
Powder Coating Large, Repeat Orders
October 27, 2020
Antimicrobial, Durable, Easy-to-Clean Coatings
Antimicrobial, Durable, Easy-to-Clean Coatings
December 24, 2020
Handling Large & Repeat Powder Coating Orders Effectively
Powder Coating Large, Repeat Orders
October 27, 2020
Antimicrobial, Durable, Easy-to-Clean Coatings
Antimicrobial, Durable, Easy-to-Clean Coatings
December 24, 2020

High Quality Parts Coating

Available and Affordable Electrocoating

With the coronavirus outbreak slowing down shipments and keeping skilled workers at home, it can be difficult to keep production moving.

At Great Dane, we’re 100% available, providing affordable, high-end coatings using the latest in modern e-coating services.

As an essential service, we’ve been working throughout the pandemic to supply protective coatings for medical and scientific equipment, utilities, military, trucking, rail transportation, and more.

Electrocoating as an Affordable Alternative

As the economy recovers from the pandemic, businesses will be looking to conserve on resources, finding the most efficient and cost-effective ways to get the job done.

When it comes to industrial coatings, electrocoating is among the most cost-effective, durable, and consistent coating technologies available. It is superior to many applied paint materials in coating metal surfaces and has the added benefit of working well with complex parts.

Try Great Dane’s Coating Services Today

If your business is having trouble sourcing high-quality parts coating, give us a call at 724-537-9709.  If your traditional provider is unable to keep up or won’t be available when you need them, Great Dane can provide supplementary services to help you through the crunch time that’s sure to happen as the economy comes back online.

Reliability Equals Return on Investment

With over 25 years’ experience in industrial powder coating, Great Dane Powder Coating, Inc. stands head and shoulders above one-off shops for delivering quality, reliability, and consistency.

We’ve been serving the needs of industry, manufacturing, and parts fabricators for decades, and we handle repeat and high-volume orders with ease. We give your production parts a high-end, finished look that increases their lifespan and their customer appeal.

Delivering Part Coating Excellence for Over 25 Years!

When you want affordable, reliable, and outstanding results, give us a call at 724-537-9709 or visit our NEW ELECTROCOATING CUSTOMERS page today.


Call us today at 724-537-9709 or click a button below.